Hello this is an introduction to me Tevin Jarrett. I am
student at Richard Bland College. I am
currently majoring in Computer Technology. My favorite things I like to do is
laugh, joke, play basketball from time to time, eat, sleep, and talk to
females. My personality is mostly laid back and always chill and never into
drama. I’m just a stress free person well I try to be but for the most part I am.
I like to party sometimes too when I see
the party benefits me. Like for instance if I know it’s going turnout to be
good I would go because a lot of people are going. But there have been times
where I went to parties and it turnout to be a real buzz kill because people
didn't want to dance, all they wanted to do is stand on the wall. My short term goals are to pass all my classes
so I can boost my Grade Point Average. My long term goals is too graduate
college so I can better myself for the future. Right now I major in Computer
Technology. I do aspire to be a rapper because I make music for fun. Some
people told me I can make it but maybe I’m going to start taking it more